3 Methods to help you deal with Tax Arrears

 Every business, no matter how large or small, must interact with HMRC at some point throughout its life. Whether it’s income tax (PAYE), national insurance, or VAT arrears, you need to take care of any outstanding Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) debts as soon as possible. These fall under the category of priority debts. The penalties of not paying them might be harsh and may involve legal action or the arrival of bailiffs.

Here are three steps to help you deal with tax arrears.

Be sure your tax bill is accurate: Verify first that HMRC is requesting the correct payment from you. Make sure you’ve provided them with accurate, current information on your company’s receipts and outlays. If you don’t do this, the tax amount can be more than expected.

Put together a budget: You must create a personal budget once you have determined your earnings. This will cover all of your living expenses, including rent, mortgage, and council tax. You’ll know how much you can afford to pay toward your tax arrears once you’ve completed this step.

Make your payment: Begin making payments once you’ve spoken with HMRC. Even if they decline your offer of money, pay it anyhow. It’s much better to pay anything, even if it’s a tiny amount than to risk HMRC assuming you’re avoiding paying your tax, which can have any further consequences.

Contact Acme Credit debt counselors at +44 7779648018 for a free and no-obligation personal session to discuss your entire case, HMRC tax bill, and current HMRC enforcement action against you.

In conclusion, the debt management process at HMRC can be slow and frustrating. If you have a large debt, you may want to consider contacting us to discuss your options. You may be able to pay off your debt in a shorter period of time than you would if you went through the standard debt management process.


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